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Charts > General information > About this documentation set > Notation conventions
Notation conventions
The following naming conventions apply to the API:
*The names of classes defined in the Rogue Wave JViews library begin with Ilv, for example IlvGraphic.
*The names of classes are written as concatenated words with each initial letter capitalized.
For example: class IlvManagerServlet;
In the user's documentation, the following typographic conventions apply:
*Code extracts and file names appear in Courier font.
*Important terms are defined in the glossary and links to the definitions are provided as appropriate in text.
*Menu commands are written as Menu>Command, for example, File>Open.
The placeholder directory <installdir> designates the directory in which you installed Rogue Wave JViews Charts. The default name provided by the installer is C:/Program Files/Rogue Wave.
Note that the product directory name, which is jviews-charts, is fixed.

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