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Charts > General information > Deployment licenses > About deployment licenses
About deployment licenses
The licensing of Rogue Wave® JViews distinguishes development from deployment. You find the license terms in <installdir> /license/LicenseAgreement.txt in the section Program-unique terms. The terms Development and Deployment are defined there. Development means development of an application, testing, running the application in non-production use, and ““limited internal testing””. Deployment means production use. Refer to the cited license for the precise license terms.
Rogue Wave JViews is also composed of several products that offer different services. In this context, services means sets of features. There is not a one-to-one correspondence between products and feature sets.
For example:
*The Rogue Wave JViews Enterprise product offers services for diagrams, maps, charts, and Gantt charts.
*The Rogue Wave JViews TGO product includes services for diagrams, maps, and telecom graphic objects.
The objective of this documentation is to help you understand which kinds of facilities you are entitled to use within the scope of your contract.
The right to use Rogue Wave JViews for development depends on the product: you obtain the right to develop by acquiring a Developer Edition license of a Rogue Wave JViews product.
The right to use Rogue Wave JViews for deployment depends on the services or feature sets: you obtain the right to deploy an application by acquiring a Deployment license of some Rogue Wave JViews feature sets.
The facilities described are intended to make sure that when you deploy an application that uses Rogue Wave JViews, you have the necessary deployment licenses.

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