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SAN state dictionary
A dictionary of secondary state values that can be used to complement any other standard state system such as OSI, Bellcore, SNMP, or SONET.
See Bellcore state dictionary, OSI state dictionary, SNMP state dictionary, SONET state dictionary.
A condition that is matched against objects from the business model. Selectors allow you to customize objects according to their business class or attributes.
A predefined business object. A part of a shelf-based telecommunication item of equipment used to hold cards.
shortcut network element
A shortcut network element is an abstraction denoting an object that is only a reference to an existing network element.
SNMP state dictionary
A dictionary of telecommunication object states based on the SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) standard specified in RFC 1213 — Management Information Base for Network Management of TCP/IP based internets: MIB-II.
SONET state dictionary
A dictionary of transport link states based on the SONET (Synchronous Optical Network) standard.
The weighting of the priority of a rule in CSS in accordance with the number of components in its selector.
state dictionaries
To describe the state and alarm conditions of a telecom object, Rogue Wave JViews TGO provides several state dictionaries based on worldwide standards. The development of these dictionaries is based on current telecom standards combined with hands-on experience.
static class
A Java™ class defined at compilation time.
See dynamic attribute model.
style sheet
A collection of rules for controlling the presentation of Web pages in a precise manner.
See CSS2.
A subnetwork allows you to create applications that display a network inside another network. It is created automatically when you define a containment relationship between objects in the data source. A subnetwork can be displayed collapsed or expanded in the network component.
(Styling) An object that is created during the application of a declaration in a CSS style sheet, by virtue of a declaration value of the form @#identifier, @=identifier, or @+identifier. It is styled through the same CSS style sheet, although it is not contained in the original CSS model.
The Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) is the window toolkit of the Eclipse® development environment and the Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP).
synchronization strategy
A context service that makes it possible to access shared resources simultaneously with a choice of synchronization schemes.

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