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TGO > Glossaries > JViews TGO Glossary > Rogue Wave JViews TGO glossary > N
network component
The network component is one of the four graphic components supplied with Rogue Wave JViews TGO. It can display all kinds of Rogue Wave JViews TGO objects: network elements, links, groups, polylines, off-page connectors, cards, card carriers, shelves, ports, LEDs. The network component encapsulates the MVC architecture.
network element
A predefined business object. A network element is any kind of shelf-based telecom or data-communication equipment (such as a switch, a multiplexer, a cross connect system), outside plant equipment (such as a coax nodes), or peripheral equipment (terminal or printer).
node factory
The node factory transforms business objects other than links into representation objects that are instances of IlpNetworkNode.
See link factory.

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