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TGO > Glossaries > JViews TGO Glossary > Rogue Wave JViews TGO glossary > L
A predefined business object. An LED (Light-Emitting Diode) shows the condition of an item of hardware or software by emitting a colored light.
A predefined business object. A link represents a physical connection between two network elements. Links are used to display the transmission elements making up the network lines.
link bundle
A predefined business object. The link bundle object is a link container that you can collapse or expand.
A set of multiple physical point-to-point links between a given pair of systems, combined together into a single logical link with greater bandwidth than any of the constituent component links. The technique of link bundling can be used to increase bidirectional bandwidth, and for redundancy and load balancing.
link factory
The link factory transforms business objects that are links into representation objects that are instances of IlpNetworkLink.
See node factory.
link set
A predefined business object. A link set is used to represent a collection of links between network resources, laid out in a specific order with a specific distance.
load on demand
A feature supported by the network, the equipment and the tree components. It is implemented according to the expansion strategy. It means that the graphic representation of a business object is only created when the parent object is expanded.

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