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TGO > Glossaries > JViews TGO Glossary > Rogue Wave JViews TGO glossary > C
A predefined business object. An item of equipment that is inserted in a shelf.
card carrier
A predefined business object. A card carrier is a container for shelf item objects. Card carriers allow you to associate more than one card with a single slot.
class manager
A context service that handles a business model. The class manager makes business object classes available to the whole application and allows them to be used by all of the components.
computed attribute
A computed attribute is an attribute of which the value is derived from the value of other attributes. For example, given a start and a finish date, it is possible to calculate a duration.
The application context provides access to common contextual data (such as the locale or the current user) and services (such as the URL access service or the class manager).
The controller translates interactions with the view, such as mouse clicks and keystrokes, into updates to be performed on the representation model, instructing the model and/or the view to change as appropriate.
Cascading Style Sheets. A language that provides rich stylistic control of content to be published on browsers.
Cascading Style Sheets, level 2. A style sheet language that allows authors to attach style to structured documents, such as HTML documents or XML applications. CSS2 separates the presentation style from the content and thus simplifies Web authoring and site maintenance.

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