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Bellcore state dictionary
A dictionary of telecommunication object states based on the Bellcore (Bell Communications Research) standard specified in GR-1093 — Generic State Requirements for Network Elements.
blinking manager
A context service that manages the blinking of colors.
A predefined business object. A BTS (Base Transceiver Station) is a base station composed of antennas that relay (receive and transmit) radio messages within cells of a cellular phone system.
business model
The business model describes the attributes and inheritance of business object classes. It serves as a common vocabulary between Rogue Wave JViews TGO and the back-end application. It does not address relationships between these classes.
business object
. They can be shared across multiple graphic components. Rogue Wave JViews TGO furnishes a number of predefined business objects.
See business model. See also the predefined business objects: BTS, card, group, link, network element, off-page connector.

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