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TGO > Programmers documentation > Integrating with JViews Diagrammer > Attribute binding > Binding performance
Binding performance
Each binding represents a conversion from one type to another. Some conversions may be stateless, fast, and efficient. Others may depend on previous attribute and property values and may be more demanding in terms of computational power. For that reason it is important to plan ahead and only bind the attributes that must be available as SDM properties (usually for JViews Diagrammer CSS styling purposes). The SDM model provided by the TGO-SDM adapter is populated with JViews TGO business objects (IlpObject) so that it is always possible to query JViews TGO attribute values from the JViews Diagrammer component, as illustrated by the following code example:
// Get SDM Model from Adapter
IlvSDMModel model = adapter.getSDMModel();
IlpObject tgoObject = (IlpObject)model.getObject(”myObjectID”);
// Get TGO attribute from model object
Object value = tgoObject.getAttributeValue(”myAttribute”);

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