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TGO > Programmers documentation > Building Web applications > JSF technical overview > The equipment JSF component architecture
The equipment JSF component architecture
The equipment JSF component is designed to display snapshot images of the visible area of an underlying IlpEquipment component. It works in conjunction with a dedicated servlet responsible for rendering static images of an IlpEquipmentView. The component by itself is not able to process any user interaction; it must be connected to other JSF components, like the select interactor ( selectInteractor), in order to convert client-side interactions into server-side events.
Class overview
The equipment JSF component is declared in the tag library descriptor ( .tld ) file as equipmentView. Like any JSF component, it has a tag implementation, a component implementation, and a JavaScript renderer; in addition, the equipment JSF component has a dedicated servlet to handle image requests. The classes are as follows:
*IltFacesEquipmentViewTag: The tag implementation
*IltFacesEquipmentView: The JSF component implementation
*IltFacesEquipmentViewRenderer: The renderer for the component
*IltFacesEquipmentServlet: A dedicated servlet to produce images
The tag implementation handles the various tag attributes declared in the tag library descriptor file for the equipmentView component. The component implementation handles all this information so that the renderer can create a JavaScript representation of it while the image servlet processes the client requests, directly interacting with the underlying IlpEquipment component and modules through its API. The following class diagram shows these dependencies:
Equipment JSF architecture

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