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TGO > Programmers documentation > Styling > Customizing groups > Representing groups and attributes
Representing groups and attributes
The graphical representation of a group is based on the information that is available in the business model. Each decoration that is created depends on an attribute and on properties that can be customized through CSS.
The following figure shows a polygonal group with the following attribute set:
*Name: Region
*Icon: ilogic.png
*Object State: OSI object state
Group with attributes
The graphic rendering of a group object is optimized for performance using an offscreen buffered image technique that minimizes the complex polygon computations by pre-rendering the graphic object in memory. The extra memory required is proportional to the size and number of visible objects in the Network view.
To disable the offscreen optimizations for the group representation:
*Set the ilog.tgo.polygon.offscreenCache system property to false at initialization time.
*Use the following API call:
IltSettings.SetValue("OffscreenCache.Polygon", Boolean.FALSE);
For more information on how to declare system properties for Java™ applications, refer to the Java Runtime documentation.

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