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TGO > Programmers documentation > Styling > Customizing links > Customizing link bundles
Customizing link bundles
Representing link bundles and customizing different representations
A link bundle has two graphic representations. The collapsed representation shows the bundle as a single link (overview link) connecting two end points. In this representation, all CSS properties described for links also apply to link bundles (see Representing links).
When the link bundle is expanded, the overview link is replaced by the child links, which are then represented as a link set. In the expanded representation, the link bundle can be customized through the property shown in the following table.
CSS properties for link bundles
Property Name
Default Value
Defines the distance between the links that are part of the link bundle.
How to customize a link bundle representation through CSS
The following application is provided as part of the Rogue Wave® JViews TGO demonstration software: <installdir> /samples/network/links/index.html
It shows how to customize a link bundle representation in its collapsed and expanded forms.
The following CSS extract customizes the width of all link bundles to be larger than the standard links. It also customizes the link bundle identified as linkBundle78 to display a distance of 5 pixels between its inner links:
object."ilog.tgo.model.IltLinkBundle" {
  forcedWidth: 10;
#linkBundle78 {
  linkDistance: 5;
Customizing the container icon of a link bundle
You can also customize the visibility of the container icon that is automatically displayed and allows you to expand/collapse the link bundle. You can customize the container icon using the CSS properties listed in the following table.
CSS properties for link bundle container icons
Property Name
Default Value
Indicates whether the container icon collapses or expands and whether it should be visible or not in an object
Indicates whether the in-place expansion icon is added to the overview object of a container. (The value of containerStatusVisible must be set to true.)
Indicates whether the collapse icon is added to the child objects of a link bundle. (The value of containerStatusVisible must be set to true.)
NOTE The containerCollapseIconVisible property must be applied to IltAbstractLink instead of directly to IltLinkBundle

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