Property Name | Type | Set | Default Value | Description |
decorationsOffset | IlpPoint | No | 0,0 | Defines the offset used to attach the link information cluster to the center of the link. |
plinthColor | Color | Yes | 67% grey | Denotes the color of the plinth. |
plinthBrightColor | Color | Yes | 87% grey | Denotes the brighter color of the plinth. |
plinthDarkColor | Color | Yes | 33% grey | Denotes the darker color of the plinth. |
plinthVisible | boolean | No | true | Denotes whether the plinth is visible or not. |
plinthVerticalMargin | int | No | 1 | Defines the vertical margin between the plinth and its contents. |
plinthHorizontalMargin | int | No | 4 | Defines the horizontal margin between the plinth and its contents. |
useAlarmColorForBase | boolean | No | false | Denotes whether or not to use the alarm color to display the link base. If the alarm color is not used, the regular properties linked to each primary state are used. |