Property Name | Type | Set | Default Value | Description |
background | Color | Yes | Transparent ( null ) | Specifies the background color; if this value is null, it is interpreted as a transparent color |
foreground | Color | Yes | 28% gray in the IltObject class style | Specifies the foreground color of the base. |
borderColor | Color | Yes | 10% gray | Specifies the color of the border lines of the linear base. |
borderColor2 | Color | Yes | 60% gray | Specifies the color of the background of the border lines. It is used only if the line style is not solid. |
borderWidth | Float | Yes | 1 pixel | Determines the width of each border. If the borderWidth property is zero (0), no border line will be drawn. |
borderLineStyle | float[] | Yes | null (Solid) | Stores the line style of the border lines. |
reliefBorders | Boolean | Yes | true | Discriminates between two identical border lines ( false value) and two differently colored borders to produce a relief effect. |
lineStyle | float[] | Yes | null (Solid) | Defines the style of the linear base. |
lineWidth | Float | Yes | 5f | Defines the width of the center line of the base in the case of a linear base. |
forcedWidth | Float | No | 0 | If the value of this property is not zero, the width of the center line is augmented or diminished so that the total width equals the width stored in forcedWidth. |
Property Name | Type | Set | Default Value | Description |
hasFromArrow hasToArrow | boolean | Yes | false | These two properties determine whether there is an arrow or not at the beginning and end of the link |
fromArrowSize toArrowSize | float | No | 8 pixels | Define the length of the arrow at the beginning and end of the link |
fromArrowColor toArrowColor | Color | Yes | 28% gray | Define the color of the center of the arrow, if the arrow has a border, or the whole arrow, if the arrow has no border |
fromArrowReliefBorders toArrowReliefBorders | boolean | Yes | true | Gives a relief effect to the arrow border |
fromArrowBorderColor toArrowBorderColor | Color | Yes | 10% gray | Defines the color of the arrow border |
fromArrowBorderColor2 toArrowBorderColor2 | Color | Yes | 60% gray | If FromArrowReliefBorders (or ToArrowReliefBorders ) is true, this property defines the dark color of the relief effect |
Property Name | Type | Set | Default Value | Description |
innerLineWidth | float[] | Yes | null (Solid) | Denotes the width of the center line of the inner part of the link base, if any. |
innerBorderWidth | float | Yes | 0 | Defines the width of the border line of the inner part of the link base, if any. |
innerLineStyle | float[] | Yes | Solid | Defines the style of the inner line of the link base, if any |
innerForeground | Color | Yes | 28% gray | Defines the foreground color of the inner line of the link base, if any |
innerBackground | Color | Yes | transparent ( null ) | Defines the background color of the inner line of the link base, if any |
innerReliefBorders | boolean | Yes | true | Discriminates between two identical border lines ( false value) and two differently colored borders to produce a relief effect for the inner line, if any |
innerBorderLineStyle | float[] | Yes | Solid | Stores the line style of the border lines of the inner line, if any |
innerBorderColor | Color | Yes | 10% gray | Specifies the color of the border lines of the inner line, if any |
innerBorderColor2 | Color | Yes | 60% gray | Specifies the color of the background of the border lines of the inner line, if any. It is used only if the line style is not solid. |