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TGO > Programmers documentation > Styling > Using Cascading Style Sheets > Customizing the expansion of business objects
Customizing the expansion of business objects
In JViews TGO, the tree, the network and the equipment components are able to display containment relationships between the business objects. These relationships define a hierarchy of objects that can later be displayed in the components. The object hierarchy is defined through a parent-child relationship set at the data source level. Although the containment relationship is defined at the data source level, it is still possible to specify, at the component level, whether a certain object will be graphically represented as a container or not.
Such configuration is achieved using the following property:
CSS Property for Expanding Business Objects
Property Name
Default Value
NO_EXPANSION in the network and equipment components
IN_PLACE in the tree component
Determines whether an object should be expandable, so that its children can be displayed.
Possible values are:
You can set the expansion property for a business object to one of the following values:
*IN_PLACE : Loads the child objects automatically in the graphic component. In the tree component, the child objects are loaded on demand, as the user expands the parent node. In the network and equipment components, all child objects are automatically represented in the component when the parent object is created. When the value IN_PLACE is used, an object is considered as a parent object if it has containment relationships defined in the attached data source, through the IlpContainer interface. The child objects should already be loaded in the data source, and should be visible according to the data source filter, if any.
*IN_PLACE_MINIMAL_LOADING : Loads the child objects on demand, as the user expands the parent object. All nodes with this expansion strategy are considered as possible parent nodes, and therefore are represented with an expansion icon. If a tree node does not contain child objects, the expansion icon disappears when the expansion is executed the first time.
*NO_EXPANSION : Expansion is not supported by the node. In this case, even if the node contains child objects at the data source level, it will be displayed as a leaf in the graphic component.
How to customize node expansion
object."ilog.tgo.model.IltNetworkElement" {
  expansion: NO_EXPANSION;
object."test.CustomObject" {
  expansion: IN_PLACE;

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