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TGO > Programmers documentation > Graphic components > Using JViews products in Eclipse RCP applications > Installing the JViews runtime plug-in
Installing the JViews runtime plug-in
JViews provides an IlvSwingControl class that encapsulates a Swing JComponent in an SWT widget. It allows you to use IlpNetwork, IlpEquipment, IlpTree, and IlpTable objects in an SWT window, together with other SWT or JFace controls. In this way, it provides a bridge between the AWT/Swing windowing system and the SWT windowing system.
In order to install the Rogue Wave® JViews Eclipse plug-ins, you need to install from the local site as shown below.
For Eclipse 3.7 or newer:
1. Launch your Eclipse installation.
2. Go to Help/Software Updates and select the Available Software tab.
3. Add a new local site: Click Add Site, then Local and specify the directory <installdir>/jviews-framework/tools/
4. Select the features you want to install, and press the Install button.

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