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TGO > Programmers documentation > Business objects and data sources > Alarms > Representation of alarms in a table and in a tree
Representation of alarms in a table and in a tree
In the table component, each alarm object is represented as a row, with columns corresponding to attributes of the alarm object. The graphicalRepresentation attribute displays raw alarms with a tiny round rectangle alarm balloon, and impact alarms with a tiny alarm cloud. See the following figure.
Objects of the class IltAlarm are represented in a table as follows:
In the tree component, each alarm object is represented as a node. The graphical representation is the same as in the table component. See the following figure.
Objects of the class IltAlarm are represented in a tree as follows:
Customizing the representation of alarms
For information on how to customize the graphic representation of alarms, see Customizing alarms.

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