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TGO > Programmers documentation > Business objects and data sources > Off-page connectors > Representation of off-page connectors in a network
Representation of off-page connectors in a network
Off-page connectors (OPC) can have different graphic representations according to the value of their attribute type. By default, Rogue Wave® JViews TGO provides the following OPC types and representations:
OPC types and their representation
Standard off-page connector
Generic managed entity
Single entity currently managed by the system
Multiple entities currently managed by the system
Generic entities not managed by the system
Single entity currently not managed by the system
Multiple entities currently not managed by the system
The off-page connector type can be set to the object through XML or through the API. Refer to the class ilog.tgo.model. IltOffPageConnector for more information.
You can customize the graphic representation of an off-page connector type by registering a new base renderer (see ilog.tgo.graphic.renderer.IltOPCBaseRenderer ). This base renderer is registered in the JViews TGO default settings (see ilog.tgo.resource.IltSettings. SetValue). Besides the predefined base renderers, you can also register base renderers based on images or on any IlvGraphic class, including SVG support.
For details about how to create new off-page connector types, refer to Customizing new off-page connector types.
Customizing the representation of off-page connectors
For information on how to customize the graphic representation of off-page connectors, refer to Customizing off-page connectors.

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