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TGO > Programmers documentation > Business objects and data sources > Network elements > Network element class
Network element class
Network elements include any kind of network managed objects, such as data-communications equipment (a switch, a multiplexer, a cross-connect, for example), outside plant equipment, and peripheral equipment (terminal or printer).
Network elements are predefined business objects of the class IltNetworkElement that you can directly insert in a JViews TGO data source and represent graphically in any of the graphic components connected to the data source. For a general introduction to predefined business classes, see Introducing business objects and data sources.
The IltNetworkElement class defines the following attributes:
*Type —Indicates the category of the network element, which determines the way it will be graphically represented.
*Name: type
*Value class: IltNetworkElement.Type
*Attribute: IltNetworkElement.TypeAttribute
*Function —Indicates the function of the network element according to its category, for example access or switch item of equipment.
*Name: function
*Value class: IltNetworkElement.Function
*Attribute: IltNetworkElement.FunctionAttribute
*Family —Indicates the family of the network element according to its function. Usually, the family represents the equipment capacity.
*Name: family
*Value class: IltNetworkElement.Family
*Attribute: IltNetworkElement.FamilyAttribute
*Partial —Indicates that the network element represents only part of the real-world network element.
*Name: partial
*Value class: java.lang.Boolean
*Attribute: IltNetworkElement.PartialAttribute
*Shortcut —Indicates that the network element is only a reference to an existing network element.
*Name: shortcut
*Value class: ilog.tgo.model.attribute.IltShortcutAttributeType
*Attribute: IltNetworkElement.ShortcutAttribute
You can retrieve the class IltNetworkElement using its GetIlpClass method. You can handle its instances as simple IlpObject instances and set and get its attributes with the generic methods getAttributeValue and setAttributeValue.
In addition, the class IltNetworkElement provides convenience methods, such as getFunction and setFunction, which you can use directly to access each individual predefined attribute of the class.

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