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TGO > Programmers documentation > Business objects and data sources > The business model > Integrating the business model with the back end
Integrating the business model with the back end
There are different ways of integrating a JViews TGO business model with the back-end application. The approach depends on the requirements of a specific business model and on whether this model is based on Java™ classes or not.
The different possibilities are the following:
1. The easiest and recommended approach consists in mapping your business model with the JViews TGO predefined business classes. JViews TGO provides a set of predefined business classes that you can use directly in your applications. They have been specifically designed to ease the development and to leverage the overall graphic quality and ergonomics of user interfaces in telecommunication applications. Adapting predefined business classes to your own needs allows you to take advantage of the look and feel of these classes.
For a complete list of the predefined business classes, refer to Introducing business objects and data sources.
JViews TGO predefined business objects can be used either if your model is based on Java classes or if you prefer to describe the model and its data in XML. For more details, refer to Introducing business objects and data sources and to Adding business objects from JavaBeans.
Your business model may require more information than available in the predefined business classes. If this is the case, you can easily extend the predefined business classes with your own attributes. For details, refer to Extending predefined business classes.
If you cannot easily map your business classes with the JViews TGO predefined business classes, you can still envisage one of the other possibilities to integrate your business model with the back end.
2. You can describe your business model and its data in XML. For more information, refer to Defining the business model in XML and Adding business objects from JavaBeans.
3. You can describe your business model as Java classes that comply with the JavaBeans™ pattern. JViews TGO provides direct support for JavaBeans business classes. For more information, refer to Defining the business model from JavaBeans classes and Adding business objects from JavaBeans.
4. You can describe your business model as Java classes either by using the default business class ( IlpDefaultClass) and business object ( IlpDefaultObject) implementations, or by implementing the corresponding interfaces ( IlpClass, IlpObject ) directly. For more information, refer to Defining the business model with dynamic classes and Adding dynamic business objects.
Whatever the approach you choose to integrate an JViews TGO business model with the back-end application, all the objects will be represented with a default look and feel in the graphic components. If this look and feel does not suit you, you can customize it by using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). For more information on how to customize the graphic representation of business objects, refer to Using Cascading Style Sheets.

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