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TGO > Programmers documentation > Business objects and data sources > The business model > Business model, business classes, and business objects
Business model, business classes, and business objects
The business model allows the back-end application and JViews TGO to share a common vocabulary. In other words, it translates the real application in the back end to a data model that JViews TGO can understand. The business model describes business classes, their inheritance and their attributes.
In the JViews TGO business model, classes are defined as instances of the IlpClass interface. You can retrieve the IlpClass corresponding to a given Java™ class. You can also create IlpClass instances dynamically, either by using the API or by loading a class description written in XML.
Instances of business classes or, in short, business objects are defined by the IlpObject interface.
The purpose of business objects is to allow you to map application data to JViews TGO graphic components in a flexible way and to make it possible to reuse the same data across multiple components, thus providing homogeneous graphical representations throughout an application.
JViews TGO provides a set of predefined business objects classes that you can use directly in your applications. These classes are described in detail in the following sections of this documentation.

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