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TGO > Programmers documentation > Context and Deployment Descriptor > The context services > Data source manager
Data source manager
The data source manager defined by the interface IlpDataSourceManager provides access to the data sources that it handles.
It provides the following methods:
*getDataSources() Returns the data sources created in the context of this data source manager.
*hasDataSource(IlpDataSource aDataSource) Returns true if the given data source belongs to this manager.
By default, the data source manager is implemented by the class IlpDefaultDataSourceManager. This default implementation maintains a collection of data sources which are referenced through weak references that do not prevent garbage collection.
How to use the data source manager through the API
IlpContext context = ...
IlpDataSourceManager dsMgr = context.getDataSourceManager();
IlpDataSourceManager dsMgr = (IlpDataSourceMananger)
How to Customize the Data Source Manager Through the API
IlpDefaultContext context = ...
IlpDataSourceManager dsMgr = MyDataSourceManager();
context.addService(IlpDataSourceManager.class, dsMgr);

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