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TGO > Tutorials and samples > Starting the samples > Common features of Faces samples > How does the AbstractSampleContext get initialized
How does the AbstractSampleContext get initialized
When AbstractSampleContext is instantiated by the JSF Managed Bean facility, it enforces the following steps in its constructor:
1. Create the JViews TGO IlpContext implementation used by the sample.
This is done by calling AbstractSampleContext.createContext(), which by default returns an IltFacesDefaultContext instance.
2. Initialize the context with the provided deployment file.
It uses by default a deployment descriptor file that is located in resources/configuration/deployment/deploy.xml. You can override this default setting by using the AbstractSampleContext(String deploymentFile, String loggerName) constructor.
3. Initialize the Logger of the sample.
4. Initialize the sample by calling AbstractSampleContext.initializeSample().
5. Create the graphic component by calling AbstractSampleContext.createComponent().

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