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TGO > Tutorials and samples > Starting the samples > Common features of Faces samples > What is the AbstractSampleContext
What is the AbstractSampleContext
The AbstractSampleContext is the abstraction used as a context for the samples. It is abstract because the actual objects that reside in this context are sample-specific. For example, the graphic component that is to be used in a given sample (IlpNetwork or IlpEquipment) is defined at the implementation level by overriding the method AbstractSampleContext.createComponent().
The AbstractSampleContext also ensures that samples have a well-defined approach for initializing themselves. For example, if your sample needs to create custom types, or adjust JViews TGO settings, or create or query resources of some sort, the appropriate approach is to override the method AbstractSampleContext.initializeSample() that is called when the AbstractSampleContext instance is created.

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