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TGO > Tutorials and samples > Starting the samples > Common features of samples > How to use the AbstractSample class
How to use the AbstractSample class
The AbstractSample class provides support for running the code as a standalone application. You can find the source code for this class in the file <installdir>/samples/<sampledir>/src/, for example in:
This section explains the usage of the class. You may find this useful if you want to extend one of the samples, or write a new sample from scratch. However, you do not need to know the details of the implementation in order to use or understand the samples.
AbstractSample initializes the application correctly depending on the mode of operation, then calls a virtual method doSample(Container), passing the Java Container to which you should add the GUI components.
To build a sample that can be run as a standalone application, the user should provide a main method, and call the constructor of the sample, as well as the shared initialization method init(Container).
A basic sample framework looks like this:
public class Main extends AbstractSample {
  public static final String sampleTitle = "My Sample";
  public static final int sampleWidth = 770;
  public static final int sampleHeight = 626;
   * Execute the main part of the sample.
  protected void doSample (Container container) {
    // Initialize JTGO.
    // Add graphic components, for example:
    container.add(new JButton("Hello Sample!!!"));
  public static void main (String[] args) {
    // Create top level Frame
    JFrame frame = new JFrame("Rogue Wave® JTGO " + sampleTitle);
    // Create sample instance
    Main sample = new Main();
    // Call base class initialization method
    // Resize the frame and make it visible
If you want to use the default menu bar, you should create a constructor like this:
public Main(){
    // Create panel with a menubar
    super(sampleTitle, sampleLoggerName, true);
This example creates the sample with a title and a logger name, and specifies whether the default sample menu bar should be created.
Each sample contains a predefined logger, that is created according to the given logger name. The JViews TGO samples have a logger name based on the distribution hierarchy. For example, the logger name in <installdir>/samples/network/basic is "".
You can use the newly created logger directly in your sample through the sample attribute "log", as follows:
try {
  } catch(Exception e){
    log.severe("Exception caught while reloading business objects");
You can customize the default menu bar by overloading the method populateMenuBar(JMenuBar). This method is called by the base class when the menu bar is constructed.
For example, you could write:
protected void populateMenuBar(JMenuBar menubar) {
    super.populateMenuBar(menubar, true, true);
Here we call another base class method which adds the default actions to reload the business objects and styles.
You can also add your own actions, or remove the predefined ones.
If the default actions to reload the business objects and styles are enabled, you need to overload the virtual methods reloadBusinessObjects and reloadCSSStyles() to provide the desired behavior. These methods might typically look like:
protected void reloadBusinessObjects() {
    try {
    } catch(Exception e){
      log.severe("Exception caught while reloading business objects");
  protected void reloadCSSStyles(){
    String[] css = new String[] {sampleCSSFilename};
    try {
    } catch(Exception e){
You can globalize the samples by adding labels, mnemonics and titles to a properties file called resources.SampleMessages.
The contents of this file is available in the sample as a ResourceBundle. To initialize the resource bundle, you need to call the method initContext(IlpContext) just after initializing the JViews TGO application context, as illustrated below:
// ------------------------
       // Initialize JTGO
       // ------------------------
       // Read a deployment descriptor file to initialize JTGO services
       // Initialize the context and resources
Once the resource bundle is initialized, you can access resources from this resource bundle using the method ResourceUtils.getString(String resourceName). For example:
String selStr = ResourceUtils.getString("label.selection.empty");

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