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TGO > General information > About the documentation set > What you need to know
What you need to know
Rogue Wave® JViews TGO is aimed at an audience of Java™ developers. Therefore, you are assumed to be able to write Java code and to be familiar with your Java environment so as to manipulate files and directories, use a text editor, and compile and run Java programs. You are also assumed to be familiar with the PC or UNIX® environment in which you are going to use JViews TGO, including its specific windowing system.
JViews TGO graphic components are also supplied as JavaBeans™. Using these Beans supposes that you are familiar with a Java Integrated Development Environment (IDE) such as Borland® JBuilder®.
Since version 3.0, JViews TGO includes a generic layer, called Common Presentation Layer and abbreviated as CPL, which extends the scope of JViews TGO application domains to Operation Support Systems GUIs. This generic layer is defined in the ilog.cpl set of packages which contains classes and interfaces prefixed with Ilp. This set of packages has not replaced the ilog.tgo packages but coexists with them.
CPL packages provide the infrastructure that is common to all JViews TGO applications whatever the business domain they are aimed at. They provide the business model, the data sources, and the graphic components that display the objects in various formats: table, tree, network view, equipment view. TGO packages, on the other hand, offer APIs to ease the development of GUIs specifically designed for telecommunication applications. They provide telecom-specific features such as predefined business objects, state systems and alarm systems compliant with the telecom standards.
For any compatibility issues, you can refer to the Release Notes provided in this documentation set.
Since JViews TGO extends the Rogue Wave JViews 2D graphic library for creating high-level graphic objects, you should be acquainted with this core library and with the associated graph layout capabilities.

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