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Maps > Glossaries > Graph layout glossary > D
The degree of a node v of a graph G is the number of graph edges which touch v.
directed graph
A graph in which every edge is associated with an ordered pair of nodes. Also called an oriented graph. See also directed link.
directed link
A link with a direction that starts at one of its incident nodes and ends at the other incident node. Directed links are usually drawn with arrowheads that indicate the direction. In a mathematical sense, a directed link is an ordered pair of nodes, while an undirected link is an unordered pair of nodes. See also directed graph.
disconnected graph
A graph containing at least two nodes that are not linked by a path. In the following graph, node 5 is not linked by a path to any other node. Nodes 3 and 4 are not linked by a path to any nodes other than nodes 3 and 4.

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