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Maps > Glossaries > JViews Maps Glossary > O
OpenGIS® Specifications are technical documents that detail interfaces or encodings. Software developers use these documents to build support for the interfaces or encodings into their products and services. These specifications have been developed by the Open Geospatial Consortium to address specific interoperability challenges.
An environment for developing portable, interactive 2D- and 3D-graphics applications.
Oracle Spatial
A database repository for vector map data. Oracle® Spatial is not just a simple format, it has various possibilities such as spatial indexing, spatial operators, geometry operators, and so on. This is an extension of the Oracle® Database.
orthodromy measure
Measure of distance that corresponds to a great circle line, route, or distance. An orthodromic path between two points on the Earth’s surface is the shortest possible way (on the surface of the Earth) between these two points.

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