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Maps > Programmer's documentation > Rogue Wave JViews Framework Advanced Features > Printing framework for manager content
Printing framework for manager content
Describes the printing framework used by JViews Framework for printing the content of managers.
*Overview of the printing framework for managers
*Explains how the generic printing framework is extended for the purpose of vector graphics.
*Printing the contents of a manager on multiple pages
*Describes the classes in the ilog.views.print package that allow you to print the contents of an IlvManager object on multiple pages.
*Printing a manager as a flow of text
*Describes the use of the text flow class with printable document classes to print a manager as a flow of text.
*Printing a manager in a custom document
*Describes how to create a document structure and how to print an area of a manager in your document.
*Class diagram for printing the contents of managers
*Describes the printing controller classes for managers with a class diagram.

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