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Maps > Programmer's documentation > Rogue Wave JViews Framework Advanced Features > Nested managers and nested graphers > Interactors for nested managers and graphers
Interactors for nested managers and graphers
All interactors that are part of the Rogue Wave JViews library and that work with individual graphic objects can work with objects embedded in a nested manager or grapher.
It is therefore possible to:
*Select and edit objects in nested managers using the IlvSelectInteractor (see Selection interactor in nested managers).
*Create links and intergraph links in nested managers using the IlvMakeLinkInteractor (see Creating a link using IlvMakeLinkInteractor).
It is also possible to have object creation interactors and specific object interactors.
Creation interactors
The same interactors that allow you to create a graphic object interactively also allow you to create objects directly in a submanager.
Such interactors all follow the same scheme: when the interaction starts in a nested manager (the first mouse click), the created object is placed in this manager. This is the case for all subclasses of IlvMakeRectangleInteractor and IlvMakePolyPointsInteractor, which are the base classes for creating an object with a rectangular shape and a set of points respectively. It is also the case for the IlvEditLabelInteractor which allows you to create labels.
Object interactors
Object interactors (instances of IlvObjectInteractor) are objects that provide interaction for a specific graphic object. For details, see Object interactors of The Essential JViews Framework.
An object interactor that is set on a graphic object contained in a hierarchy of nested managers will still receive events coming from the view attached to a parent manager. There is no difference in writing an object interactor that can be used on such a graphic object.

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