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Maps > Programmer's documentation > Programming with JViews Maps > Creating a map application using the API > Generic code sample for creating a map
Generic code sample for creating a map
The complete source code for this example can be found in the following file:
<installdir> /jviews-maps/codefragments/readers/src/
1. Instantiate the reader. In this example, you are using the IlvShapeReader.
    featureIterator = new IlvShapeFileReader(shapeFileName, dbfFileName);
catch (IOException e)
   System.err.println("IOError while instantiating reader");
2. Retrieve the feature renderer from the reader.dted.
IlvFeatureRenderer renderer =
3. Create coordinate transformation.
IlvCoordinateTransformation identity = IlvCoordinateTransformation.CreateTransformation(null, null);
4. Retrieve the first map feature.
IlvMapFeature feature = null;
    feature = featureIterator.getNextFeature();
catch (IOException io)
    System.err.println("IOExeption while getting next feature"
// Loop on all the available map features.
while (feature != null)
  try {
5. Create the graphic object representing the map feature.
IlvGraphic graphic = renderer.makeGraphic(feature, identity);
6. Add the graphic object to the manager.
manager.addObject(graphic, layerIndex, false);
7. Handle exceptions.
} catch (IlvMapRenderException e)
// Should not occur: renderer provided by the feature iterator.
System.out.println("Rendering Exception " + e.getMessage());
} catch (IlvCoordinateTransformationException cte) {
System.err.println("Coordinate transformation exception " + cte.getMessage());

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