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Maps > Developing with design tools > Using the Designer > Writing an application > Deployment considerations
Deployment considerations
Once you have specified your data source and the styling of the diagram component, you will need to integrate it into a Java™ application and deploy it. This phase includes the writing of some Java code.
In order to build and deploy an application containing a JViews Diagrammer diagram component, you need to first consider the required deployment path and the functional type of the application.
Deployment paths
The deployment paths available are:
*Swing application
*JavaServer™ Faces (JSF)
*Thin client
This section discusses the Swing application path. A ready-to-use Swing application based on a diagram component is supplied by the class IlvDiagrammerApplication.
For discussions of the JSF and thin client deployment paths, see Developing JViews Web applications and Developing JViews Diagrammer JavaScript Web applications in Building Web Applications.
Functional application types
The functional type of the application influences the choice of deployment path.
There are two functional types of application:
*Display and navigation, providing different views of data but no other interaction
*Editing, with a graphical editor that provides update capabilities
If you are building a display and navigation application, you can deploy it as a Swing application, a thin client.
If you are building a graphical editor, you can deploy it as a Swing application.

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