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Maps > Getting started > Introducing JViews Diagrammer > Creating diagramming applications > Populating a diagram
Populating a diagram
Populating a diagram involves the following items:
*Data sources
*Style sheets
The data sources
The role of the data source is to load the data to display in the diagram, and possibly write back the data if it has been modified.
There are the following predefined types of data source: flat files (in the Designer only), XML, and JDBC.
When you cannot use flat files, XML, or JDBC, you can always connect the data model to your data by implementing the data model interface in Java™.
The style sheets
A style sheet controls the mapping of data to a graphic representation through style rules conforming to the CSS2 syntax. It defines the way the objects of your data model will be translated to graphic objects.
You can write these rules using the CSS2 syntax, or you can use the Designer. The Designer helps you to define style rules in a visual environment: with the Designer, you do not need to know CSS and you see instantly what your styling looks like.
The project
The project is an association of a style sheet and a data source. It groups the inputs for a diagram. A project is saved as an XML file with the extension .idpr (JViews Diagrammer Project File).
A project is typically generated by Designer, the editing tool available for loading data from a data source and creating a style sheet.
By loading a project in an application, you make a diagram available for display.

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