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Maps > Getting started > Introducing JViews Diagrammer > About JViews Diagrammer > Types of deployment platforms
Types of deployment platforms
It has become more and more common to deliver the same application both as a rich desktop client for power users and over the Web for remote users. JViews Diagrammer displays can be deployed on various platforms:
*Rich client
Traditional Java™ applications are best suited for highly interactive tasks like workflow modeling. For workflow monitoring or administration, a thin client approach may work best. JViews Diagrammer supports DHTML clients as well as the traditional Java clients.
On the Web side, there are dedicated JSP™/JSF (JavaServer™ Faces) components that can live on a Web server and generate the interface for the browser. By mixing images and JavaScript™/DHTML code, these components deliver content for either traditional Web pages or portals that implement the JSR 168 standard. They are also able to deal with asynchronous requests to manage the Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) behavior and minimize page refreshing. In addition to traditional visualization and monitoring functions, Ajax behavior provides powerful in-place editing capabilities, such as adding objects to a diagram, connecting entities interactively, showing contextual menus, and editing an object's attributes, with immediate synchronization with the underlying data models on the server.

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