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Maps > Samples and code examples > JViews Framework code examples > Interactors
Shows how to use interactors.
*Subclassing interactors
*Shows how to subclass IlvMarker in order to associate an object interactor with it. The object interactor is used when the marker is selected.
*Move object interactor
*Shows how to implement a movable graphic object in a manager view.
*Drag rectangle interactor
*Shows how to implement a draggable rectangle in the manager view.
*Text editor interactor
*Shows how to use WYSIWYG text editing capabilities added to the IlvLabel implementation.
*Constrained reshape of objects
*Shows how to constrain the reshaping of the selected graphic object.
*Keyboard select interactor
*Shows how to select nodes and links in a grapher by using the keyboard.
*Expand and collapse interactor
*Shows how to expand and collapse submanagers and link bundles.

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