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Maps > Samples and code examples > Starting the samples > Running the server-side samples on Apache Tomcat > Running the server-side samples on the Apache Tomcat server supplied with the product
Running the server-side samples on the Apache Tomcat server supplied with the product
To run the samples on the Tomcat Web server supplied with the product:
1. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to your Java Development Kit installation.
2. Go to the directory containing the Rogue Wave JViews scripts that will copy all the files required by Tomcat and then run Tomcat.
These scripts are located in:
*<installdir>/jviews-framework/tools/tomcat-jsf for Ajax and JSF demos.
3. Depending on your system, run the start_tomcat.bat or script to start the Tomcat server.
*The first time that you start the Tomcat server, it takes some time because it has to copy the samples and install them in the server.
*If you are running on Windows, you have menu items in the Windows Start menu to start and stop the Tomcat server.
4. Launch a Web browser to access the demos:
*For Ajax and JSF demos, access http://localhost:8080.
You can use the preconfigured Tomcat Manager application to see all the installed Web applications. The default login credentials for Tomcat are username: tomcat password:tomcat
The JavaScript and Ajax samples require one of the browsers listed in Requirements for Rogue Wave JViews Maps. The server-side samples contain a .war file (Web Archive) that you use to install the sample in any compatible Web server.

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