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JViews Gantt Glossary
about-to-change event
When a property value is about to be notified to the model, it is advisable to notify interested listeners as well, so that they have an opportunity to constrain or even to veto the proposed new property value.
A pair of methods, the getter method and the setter method, that are used to access the value of an object property.
A task or occupation that is planned to be completed. A parent activity can be broken down into several child activities. See also child activity, From activity, leaf activity, parent activity, root activity, To activity.
activity graphic
In a Gantt chart, an instance of the class IlvActivityGraphic used to represent the associated activity on a row of the Gantt sheet.
activity renderer
In a Gantt chart, an object that implements the IlvActivityRenderer interface to draw activity graphics to represent activities in the Gantt sheet.

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