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Gantt > Programmer's documentation > Building Web Applications > JViews Web technology architecture > Using Ajax for better responsiveness
Using Ajax for better responsiveness
When users perform interactions such as zooming or selection, the visual presentation of JViews Web applications changes.
There are two ways to reflect the changes:
1. Updating the entire HTML page shown by Web browsers, or
2. Refreshing only the changed part.
The first approach is easy to implement, but its performance is not as good as the second method. JViews adopts the second approach and uses Ajax technologies to partially refresh the HTML page. For example, when users make a zoom operation, a new image is generated and displayed. The rest of the page remains unchanged. This gives the application better responsiveness.
Note that JViews has its own Ajax implementation that is OpenAjax compliant and does not rely on any third party library. JViews Web applications always use their own Ajax implementation and can interoperate with other Web technologies such as JSF implementations and the Dojo toolkit.

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