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Gantt > Programmer's documentation > Building Web Applications > Introduction to JViews Web applications > JViews JSF Web applications at a glance
JViews JSF Web applications at a glance
JavaServer™ Faces technology is provided by the Java Community Process(JCP) under JSR-314. It defines a standard MVC framework based on component-driven user interface (UI) model for Web development. JSF helps to separate the different roles involved in the development of a Web application, namely the application developer, who focuses on the business logic, the component developer, responsible for connecting the back-end logic with the user interface, and the page author, responsible for the application’s UI.
With JSF, developing JViews Gantt Web applications is easier as the client-side UI is created by connecting well-defined components together while the system handles the required client-- and server-- side hurdles automatically.
The JViews Gantt JSF Web technology consists of:
*The tag libraries (a set of JavaServer™ Pages - JSP™ tags)
*A server-side Java API
*The JavaScript library
The tag libraries
The tag libraries are used to build JSP pages; each tag represents a component with a set of configurable attributes. These components are compiled into Java code that is executed on the server-side to produce or manipulate content for the page; each component is also represented by a set of dynamically generated JavaScript objects on the client-side, to handle display and client-server communication. Not all components have a visual representation; interactors, for example, are associated with graphic views and are responsible for data manipulation rather than displaying content.
The basic infrastructure of the JViews Web technology has the following libraries:
JViews Core, which has the following tag identifier
The JViews Gantt features provide two additional tag libraries, one based on raster image generation by the servlet, and another based on SVG technology, which provides lower client-server traffic and a richer display due to the 2D graphic capabilities of SVG. SVG, however, is not currently supported by all Web browsers.
JViews Charts, which has the following tag identifier
In addition, JViews Gantt features the tag library:
JViews Gantt, which has the following tag identifier
The URIs uniquely identifying the JViews Web technology tag libraries are for identification purposes only, these are not live URIs.
These libraries describe the following components:
*debugDependencies: an auxiliary component to help identify unresolved JSP dependencies
*imageButton: an interactive component that can be associated with a customized action
*menu: an auxiliary component that defines a menu model to create pop-up menus
*chartContextualMenu: a component that creates pop-up menus on a chart view
*menuItem: the auxiliary component that represents a menu item in a pop-up menu
*menuSeparator: the auxiliary component that represents a simple separator in a pop-up menu
*messageBox: a visual component that allows the display of text messages to the user
*chartView: the chart view, displays an IlvChart component in the Web browser
*ganttView: the Gantt chart view, displays an IlvGanttChart component in the Web browser
*scheduleView: the Schedule chart view, displays an IlvScheduleChart component in the Web browser
*chartLegend: the auxiliary component used in conjunction with a chart view
*chartOverview: an auxiliary display component, used in conjunction with the chart view
*chartPanInteractor: an interactor for panning the chart view
*chartZoomInteractor: an interactor for zooming in and out on the chart view
*sheetScrollInteractor: an interactor for scrolling the sheet on a Gantt chart view or Schedule chart view
*tableScrollInteractor: an interactor for scrolling the table on a Gantt chart view or Schedule chart view
*chartSelectInteractor: an interactor for selecting a point on a chart view, it also triggers a server-side action
*selectInteractor: an interactor for selecting and moving objects on a Gantt chart view or Schedule chart view
*selectionManager: an auxiliary component for the selectInterator selecting and moving objects on a Gantt chart view or Schedule chart view
*nodeSelectInteractor:an interactor for selecting a Gantt hierarchy node, it also triggers a server-side action
*rowSelectInteractor: an interactor for selecting a row on a Gantt or Schedule chart view, it also triggers a server-side action
*rowExpandCollapseInteractor: an interactor for expanding and collapsing rows on a Gantt or Schedule chart view
The server-side Java API
The JSF components in the JViews Gantt Web technology rely on Java servlets to handle the client requests and produce the appropriate response. A client request is triggered by the Web page, when manipulating the Gantt or Schedule chart view; it can be the result of a direct user input requesting a view update, or an asynchronous request, indirectly sent as part of an interaction.
The servlets are responsible for decoding the client request and processing the appropriate response, which may be a new image update representing the current state of the IlvGanttChart or IlvScheduleChart.
For more information about the different servlets available and how to extend and/or customize them, see JViews servlet implementation.
The JavaScript library
For more information about the different JavaScript objects and their API, see JViews JSF applications versus JViews JavaScript applications and the JavaScript API reference documentation reference documentation.

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