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Gantt > Programmer's documentation > Developing with the JViews Charts SDK > Integrating a chart customizer into your application
Integrating a chart customizer into your application
Describes how to create a chart customizer that can be integrated into your application.
*Creating a chart customizer
*Shows how to create a chart customizer.
*Main classes of the chart customizer
*Introduces the main classes available in the chart customizer, and the features they offer for developing your application.
*Undo manager into the chart customizer
*Describes how to integrate the undo manager into the chart customizer.
*Customizing the chart customizer
*Describes the possible customizations.
*XML specification of the chart customizer
*Explains the XML format of the specifications that are loaded by the chart customizer.
*Property editors
*Describes the special property editors used by the chart customizer.

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