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Gantt > Programmer's documentation > Developing with the JViews Charts SDK > Decorations > Drawing decorations
Drawing decorations
Decorations are drawn according to a drawing order. The drawing order lets you control the position of a given decoration in the drawing queue of a chart. This drawing order is used to define the position of the decoration relative to:
*Other chart decorations.
*Graphical representations of the chart data.
A chart handles decorations as an ordered list according to the decorations drawing order: decorations with the lowest drawing order are drawn first, decorations with the highest drawing order are drawn last.
The drawing order also defines whether a decoration should be drawn above or below the graphical representations of the chart data: decorations with a negative drawing order are drawn below the chart representations, while decorations with a zero or positive drawing order are drawn above the chart representations.
The IlvChart class defines two drawing order values that are used as default values for the drawOrder properties in the JViews Charts library:
*The IlvChart.DRAW_ABOVE value defines the first drawing order above the data graphical representations.
*The IlvChart.DRAW_BELOW value defines the first drawing order below the data graphical representations.

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