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Gantt > Programmer's documentation > Developing with the JViews Gantt SDK > Resource Data charts > Computing and displaying resource data
Computing and displaying resource data
An IlvResourceDataChart displays numerical information derived from the resources and reservations contained in a Gantt data model.
Instantiating a Gantt data model and connecting to your business data
Refer to Connecting to data for detailed information on how to instantiate different Gantt data model implementations and how to connect to your business data.
Binding implementations to the chart
Once you have instantiated an IlvGanttModel implementation, you can bind it to the chart by using the following APIs:
The following table shows the APIs to bind an IlvGanttModel implementation to a chart.
Data Model
IlvGanttModel getGanttModel()
void setGanttModel(IlvGanttModel model)

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