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Gantt > Getting started > Introducing JViews Gantt > Developing with JViews Gantt > Developing the application
Developing the application
At some point you need to develop one of the following types of application: a Java® Swing application or a servlet. In this application you create an IlvGanttChart or IlvScheduleChart object; then, you load the project generated by the Designer.
Similarly, in an application that uses a Resource Data chart, you create an IlvResourceDataChart object, but you must bind the chart to the data model by code and code the styling of the chart and its data. See Basic steps in using the Resource Data chart bean - details in Developing with the SDK.
For prototyping, you can decide to start with the prebuilt JViews Gantt application that only requires a loaded project to run.
See the gallery of Designer projects supplied in the JViews Gantt samples at:

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