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Gantt > Samples and code examples > JViews Gantt samples > Integration > Installing and using Eclipse samples
Installing and using Eclipse samples
Rogue Wave® JViews Gantt provides a number of Eclipse™ samples built for Eclipse 3.7 or newer. The Eclipse samples are distributed as Eclipse features and plug-ins.
Installation of a new local site
In order to install the Rogue Wave JViews Eclipse plug-ins, you need to install from the local site as shown below.
For Eclipse 3.7 and later:
1. Launch your Eclipse installation.
2. Go to Help/Install New Software.
3. Add a new local site: Click Add, then Local, and then specify the directory <installdir>/jviews-framework/tools/
4. Select the features you want to install, and then click Next.
The Rogue Wave JViews local site is automatically created during the installation of your product. If you need to update the local site installation for any reason there is a batch file that will build the Eclipse update site and patch your Rogue Wave JViews license key into the appropriate plug-in.
In order to rebuild the Rogue Wave JViews local site, you should run the following file:
*Windows®: <installdir>/jviews-framework/tools/build_eclipse.bat.
*UNIX®: <installdir>/jviews-framework/tools/
Plug-in descriptions
*Defines an extension point to add new actions to the new action drop-down in the toolbar
*Defines an extension point to add filters to the Open Dialog box
*Adds an Open menu item in the File menu of the workbench window
*Adds an Open button in the workbench toolbar
*Adds a New button in the workbench toolbar
*The runtime plug-in wraps the appropriate Rogue Wave JViews JAR files for the Gantt product as an Eclipse plug-in
*Read-only editor for a Charts project
*Integrates with the standard Eclipse Outline view
*Read-only editor for a Gantt project
*Integrates with the standard Eclipse Outline view
Setting up a workspace for browsing source files
You can set up a workspace with binary projects for all the Rogue Wave JViews plug-ins that you have installed:
1. Switch to the Java™ perspective by selecting Window>Open Perspective>Java.
2. Choose File>Import>Plug-ins and Fragments.
3. Click Projects with source folders.
4. Click Finish.
How to use the sample
1. Click File>Open.
The Open File dialog box opens.
2. Select a Gantt Project file in jviews-gantt/bin/designer/data..

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