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Gantt > General information > Deployment licenses > Monitoring the use of Rogue Wave JViews services
Monitoring the use of Rogue Wave JViews services
You can monitor or audit the use of Rogue Wave® JViews feature sets through the standard Java Management Extensions (JMX) facilities. An MBean named ilog.views.Products is provided. It has a property DeploymentLicensesRequired. The value of this property is an array of feature-set names: feature sets for which a call to IlvProductUtil.DeploymentLicenseRequired has been made.
You can inspect this list of declared feature sets by running a JMX client, such as the Java Monitoring & Management Console program (jconsole) contained in the Sun JDK™ and IBM JDK.
To inspect the list through jconsole:
1. Run the jconsole program.
2. Connect it to the process of your application.
3. Select the MBeans tab.
4. Open the ilog.views line.
5. Select the Products bean.
6. Double-click the value of DeploymentLicensesRequired.

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