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Gantt > Introduction > Don't miss these features!
Don't miss these features!
Rogue Wave JViews Gantt offers a wide range of features for helping user interface developers create state-of-the art displays. These include:
*Designer for JViews Gantt, a point-and-click editor for specifying most aspects of the display, including the data source and the "rules" for defining how the chart will appear on the screen under different data conditions;
*A variety of cross sectional views, including task-oriented views (commonly used in project management applications), resource-oriented views, Resource Load charts (used in resource-scheduling applications), and month and day calendar views.
*Performance features, such as video zooming for enhanced interaction, and load-on-demand and task filtering for dealing with large data sets. A new benchmarking sample provides statistics for such features for a variety of data sets.
*An algorithm that calculates and displays the critical path in the schedule.
*Easy thin-client deployment with interactive Ajax-enabled DHTML displays.
*A powerful Swing-like model-view-controller (MVC) architecture that provides clear separation between data and its screen representations, automatic notifications, and view synchronization.
*A full-featured SDK, for the ultimate control in customizing all aspects of the chart display and interaction. New features added include a powerful search facility, for highlighting activities based on their attributes, and a current time indicator.
*The inclusion of the Rogue Wave JViews Charts product, which allows complete customization of the Resource Load chart view, as well as the complete spectrum of other charts offered in that product.
*The inclusion of a PERT chart diagram view of the Gantt data model (requires installation of the JViews Diagrammer product or evaluation version). You can install a PERT chart into your complete planning application to complement the data shown in activity-based Gantt chart, resource-based Gantt chart with Resource Data chart to show loading of resources, and Calendar views.

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