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Diagrammer > BPMN features > Using the Rogue Wave JViews BPMN Modeler
Using the Rogue Wave JViews BPMN Modeler
Contains a concise description of the features and capabilities of the Rogue Wave® JViews BPMN Modeler. It is assumed that you are familiar with BPMN notation and, therefore, the meanings of the symbols or the best practices for defining business processes are not described. For more information about BPMN notation, go to
*Provides an overview of the Rogue Wave® JViews BPMN Modeler which allows you to model business processes using standard BPMN notation.
*Rogue Wave JViews BPMN Modeler GUI description
*Describes the Rogue Wave® JViews BPMN Modeler GUI elements.
*Format of XML files for BPMN objects
*Describes the XML elements for BPMN objects. The contents of Business Process Diagrams (BPDs) are saved in an XML file.
*Extending the Rogue Wave JViews BPMN Modeler
*Shows how to extend the Rogue Wave JViews BPMN Modeler.

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