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Diagrammer > Glossaries > Graph layout glossary > F
fixed link
A link which remains in the same position during graph layout or link layout. If the user specifies a link as fixed, layout algorithms are not allowed to reshape this link.
fixed node
A node which remains in the same position during graph layout or link layout. If the user specifies a node as fixed, layout algorithms are not allowed to move this node.
flat graph
The converse of a nested graph: a graph of which no node is itself a graph. See nested graph.
Force-directed layout
A class of layout algorithms for creating straight-line drawings of undirected graphs based on an iterative computation of the position of the nodes according to a set of attractive and repulsive forces. These forces are computed in such a way that they tend to produce a layout with only a few link crossings or no link crossings.
The Uniform Length Edges layout of JViews Diagrammer is an example.

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