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Diagrammer > BPMN features > Integrating BPMN facilities > Integrating BPMN support into a graphical application > BPMN palettes
BPMN palettes
The BPMN palettes contain template objects that the user of the modeler can use to create BPMN objects with predefined tags and properties in XML. These palettes are specified by XML files located in <installdir>/jviews-diagrammer/samples/diagrammer/bpmnmodeler/resources/palettes. Each XML file contains the description of the template objects for a palette.
To create a BPMN palette as a Swing toolbar from a palette XML file, you use an IlvDiagrammerPaletteBar object as shown in the following code example.
Creating a BPMN palette toolbar
new IlvDiagrammerPaletteBar(
    new URL(getBaseURL(),"resources/palettes/"+filename),

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