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Diagrammer > Programmer's documentation > Using graph layout algorithms > Using advanced features
Using advanced features
Describes advanced features including how to define new types of layout.
*Overview of advanced features
*Explains the purpose of the advanced features.
*Using a graph layout report
*Describes what graph layout reports are and how to use them.
*Using event listeners
*Describes the listeners for different kinds of events.
*Redrawing the grapher after layout
*Explains automatic redrawing and various redrawing scenarios in Java™.
*Using the graph model
*Describes the graph model.
*Laying out a non-JViews grapher
*Explains how to lay out a grapher in an existing application that was not created with Rogue Wave® JViews.
*Laying out connected components of a disconnected graph
*Explains how to use graph layout when you have a disconnected graph.
*Saving layout parameters and preferred layouts
*Explains how to save a graph and its layout parameters and preferred layouts in a file.
*Using filtering to lay out a part of an IlvGrapher
*Explains how to lay out part of a graph using a filter.
*Choosing the layout coordinate space
*Describes how to choose the appropriate coordinate space for a layout and how to specify the corresponding mode.
*Defining your own type of layout
*Describes how to develop a custom graph layout algorithm if you need one.
*FAQs about using the layout algorithms
*Lists some FAQs about the use of the layout algorithms.
*Releasing resources used during the layout of a graph
*Describes how to release resources that were created during the layout process.

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