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Diagrammer > Programmer's documentation > Using graph layout algorithms > Conventions and Bibliography
Conventions and Bibliography
In CSS means that you create or modify a Cascading Style Sheet file that is used in your diagram component or SDM component as a style sheet. A CSS file does not contain Java™ code, it contains style rules.
Layout parameter names in the GraphLayout, LinkLayout, and LabelLayout sections always start with a lowercase letter. Layout parameter names in the node or link rules always start with an uppercase letter.
In Java means that you write Java™ code.
Accessors and Modifiers
Very often, you can set and retrieve a property of a class by using a pair of modifier/accessor methods, such as:
setFlowDirection(int direction);
int getFlowDirection();
setIncrementalMode(boolean mode);
boolean isIncrementalMode();
This document uses the standard Java naming scheme for the modifiers and accessors, that is, the set and get/is methods. However, when explaining the Java API, it often mentions only the set method. For a detailed list of all the get/is methods, see the Java API Reference Documentation at index.

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